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Fordingbridge Infant and Junior Schools Federation

Believe, Strive, Achieve.

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The intent of our Art curriculum is to encourage children to develop creativity, experiment and explore ideas from stimulus, evaluate artists’ work to inform their own art work and reflect on their learning. We aim to deliver a curriculum which inspires each individual by equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to accomplish and with the importance given to the development of their own style.



Our Art curriculum demonstrates:

  • a clear progression of skills in the areas of drawing, painting, sculpture (3D work), printing and collage.
  • the teaching and modelling of techniques and the use of different media.
  • access to knowledge and language key to their understanding of Art and art techniques.
  • a knowledge of some styles and movements in art by comparing and contrasting the work of artists from different cultures and times.
  • a focus on art being a ‘journey’ (evidenced in their Art sketch books) whereby children record, review and revisit ideas and are encouraged to experiment with skills, to not be afraid to make mistakes or be wholly focused on an end result.
  • opportunities for children to question ideas and discuss their likes and dislikes.



Children will understand what being an ‘artist’ means and through their experiences show they know more about some artists and retain that knowledge for the future. Learners will show positive attitudes towards trying out artistic techniques and understand that reviewing and reflecting on their art produces better results. Through the study of appropriate subject knowledge and the practice of skills, learners will achieve age related expectations and have the opportunity to exceed their potential. Children will know that creativity manifests itself in many ways and that different styles and approaches form the basis of art.
