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Fordingbridge Infant and Junior Schools Federation

Believe, Strive, Achieve.

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The overarching aim of Physical Education is to help the individual to reach his or her full potential. Across the Fordingbridge Infant and Junior Schools Federation, Physical Education, is held in high importance. We want all children regardless of sporting background and ability, to be able to engage and be inspired to take part in physical education within school and outside of the school.



Pupils at Fordingbridge Infant and Junior Schools Federation participate in 2 weekly high quality PE lessons, which use team teaching with a qualified sports coach. These lessons include swimming using our own pool throughout the summer term and into the autumn term too. Our PE programme incorporates the National Curriculum expectations as well as developing children’s confidence, sportsmanship and appreciation of their own and others strengths and weaknesses. Each term we provide a wide range of extra curricular activities for all children to engage with during lunchtime and afterschool. In addition, children at the junior school are exposed to a variety of competitive sports with local schools as part of New Forest Schools sport partnership programme, which include inclusive events. Children at the infant school are exposed to similar competitions but at an interschool level competing against peers. This allows all children try a range of sports and develop their skills to a higher standard. This approach aims to encourage not only physical development but also well-being.




As a Federation, we have worked collaboratively to ensure the PE curriculum is progressive by drawing on skills from prior learning. This way, all children are building on their skills to create stronger links and deeper understanding of ways to improve. Our PE Curriculum links closely to our learning behaviours: resilience, motivation, creativity, teamwork, reflection and independence. Therefore, our aim is to use these six behaviours to enable all pupils to ‘Believe, Strive and Achieve’ their personal best.
