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Fordingbridge Infant and Junior Schools Federation

Believe, Strive, Achieve.

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At Fordingbridge Infant and Junior Schools Federation we believe that scientific investigation is one of the most powerful ways to learn; developing curiosity and engagement, as well as challenging what we know about the world. We aim to make science as practical as possible, linking it to real life contexts and giving a meaning to our learning.



  • Children to use a high level of scientific vocabulary and have a deep understanding of science
  • For all children to have a range of experiences of working scientifically through practical investigations which they can link to everyday life and their experiences
  • To encourage children to be curious about the world around them, ask questions, use scientific skills to explore these questions and draw conclusions
  • Children to show enjoyment towards a rich and varied science curriculum



  • Real experiences for children so that it is not just theory, it has a basis in the lives they lead; for example plant growth, exploring habitats and features of the weather
  • Using practical investigations which raise the curiosity of the children to ask and explore their own questions
  • Using knowledge organisers and word banks to promote the correct use of the scientific vocabulary
  • A cycle of lessons for each science area which carefully plans for progression and depth
  • Use of our wonderful outdoor grounds (woodlands, field, pond) which allows children to explore and interact with science in a positive and engaging way
  • Exploring how we can use ‘application’ tasks to identify and explain misconceptions and explaining our scientific understanding to someone else or within a different context 
  • Trips which will enhance the children’s scientific learning experience



  • Children enjoy science and show engagement in their learning
  • They understand how science links to their own life, especially in the outdoor environment
  • Children use accurate and correct vocabulary and can explain their scientific thinking
  • The development of scientific enquiry skills allows children the confidence to ask questions, investigate and then draw conclusions
  • The challenges provided meet the needs of the child, the knowledge is of an appropriate level and is acquired from on-going assessment, leading to the required content of the science curriculum covered
  • The challenges provided are accessible by all children and challenge their thinking
  •  The knowledge covered is of an appropriate level and is acquired from on-going assessment, leading to the required content of the science curriculum being covered