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Fordingbridge Infant and Junior Schools Federation

Believe, Strive, Achieve.

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As with all of our children, we believe that through learning together we can be the best that we can be. We believe all our children are of equal value and equal worth but some children will have special educational needs and disability (SEND) at some stage during their time at school. We are proud of the achievements of our children with Additional Needs.

Inclusive Education

Fordingbridge Federation supports inclusive education and will aim to educate children with SEND alongside their peers in mainstream education. Consideration will be given to the wishes of the parents/carers and the ability to meet those needs successfully. Age, gender, race, creed or individual needs do not constrain any entitlement. All children are entitled to be valued equally and must be educated to their full potential. The school’s Admission Policy reflects our statutory responsibilities to children with SEND as do specific Inclusion and SEND Policies. The school has an Accessibility Plan to meet the requirements of the Equality Act.


Provision for Children with SEND

Provisions for children with SEND are effective for all year groups and Key Stages. Thorough and careful planning ensures a smooth transition from infant to junior school and then junior to secondary school. Children with Additional Needs are identified and records detailing specific additional needs or disabilities are attached to their transfer documents. During their time at Fordingbridge Federation children’s needs continue to be identified using a range of assessments by individual subject teachers. When required specialist diagnostic tests are conducted by specialist teachers. When appropriate, external support services and agencies are invited in to give help and support to both staff and pupils.

The following documents will provide information about inclusion at our school.  If you have any further questions please contact:

  • Mrs Claire Ellis and Miss Claire Beal, Federation SENCos

01425 653624 (Infant School)

01425 653624 (Junior School)

Fordingbridge Federation Local Offer Information

Federation Accessibility Policy and Plan

Federation SEND Policy

For detailed information and a copy of the Code of Practice from the Department for Education please see the link below. If you would like to discuss any part of this document then Mrs Clements would be very happy to speak to you.
