Remote Learning
Supporting your Child's Wellbeing
HCC Well being Guide for those who are 18+
Remote Learning
During the pandemic, remote learning will be taking place for all pupils who are not attending school. The expectation of the Federation is that each child at home will engage daily with their learning and the teachers within school will ensure that this learning is current and in line with their class work.
In order for our staff to communicate with each child we are using the Seesaw Class platform. This is an App that can be downloaded or accessed via a web browser. The Seesaw platform enables teachers to respond to the learning and support individual children. Every child has a log-in for their Seesaw account and the teachers will be monitoring each day children’s activity on it. If your child does not engage with the learning the teacher will phone you before the end of the week to make contact and find out why and what they can do to support.
If you are struggling to access Seesaw, or have any technical questions, then please email the school office and put ‘For the Attention of Mrs Clements – Seesaw’.
Teachers will be sending the children planning to follow which includes a daily powerpoint. This powerpoint will take the child through the learning for that day and will include key links to tutorial videos or learning sites. The teachers will also be posting tutorials and clips from the classroom which will support the children in understanding their learning. If at any point your child is struggling the first point of contact is via the class teacher using Seesaw. The teacher can arrange for further tutorials to be filmed or a phone call to support with specific needs. In our Remote Learning Support Guide we have included some top tips on supporting your child with their learning at home and also guidance for ways you can access reading and books.