Fordingbridge Junior School
At the junior school, children are given the chance to undertake leadership roles. Some of these responsibilities are specific to Year 6- for instance Prefects, Infant Buddies and House Captains. For the other roles and responsibilities, children put themselves forward and are voted in by their class.
Our school council play a vital role in considering the opinions of each class taking their ideas for school improvement to their meetings. They bring about real change to improve and enhance life at FJS.
Having children take responsibility for things like the library, the playground equipment and sports events, for example, develops children’s self-esteem, motivation and ensures that everyone shows high levels of respect for each other. Our young leaders help the school to run smoothly and are a real asset to the school.
Playground Buddies
We are the Buddies. As Buddies we help to look after the buddy equipment and are in charge of getting it out and putting it away tidily. We make sure that the right year group use the buddy boards on the right day as these are very popular. We make sure that everyone is safe using the equipment. We help everyone to have happy playtimes.
Cyber Ambassadors
We are Cyber Ambassadors and our job is very important because we try to keep everyone safe on the internet. We know that if you make a comment online it’s going to stay with that person forever and sometimes our word and actions can hurt them. We have learnt how to help people if they are in a difficult situation with the online world. We know what different cyber monsters do and are looking forward to sharing these with the other children in school. We want to make sure everyone is safe on the internet.
Infant Lunchtime
We are the Infant School Buddies. Our job is to help to look after the children. We play with them and give them advice about their friendships if they need it. In the lunch hall, we eat the children and we show them how to grow conversations. We also tell them to eat their vegetables because it helps you grow and become stronger and healthier.
House Captains
House Captains nominate themselves for the role and then they are voted by Year 6. Our job is to help out at events like sports day and we represent our teams and organise people into the right races. In celebration assembly we hold up the trophy if our house has the most merit awards. We have a Captain and a Vice-Captain for each of the four houses – Amberwood, Bolderwood, Knightwood and Linwood.
As prefects, we are kind, caring and helpful towards others. We help around the school making sure everyone has a good lunch and break time. We are responsible and are always there to lend a helping hand. Our job is very important as we help each other; we cheer people up if they are sad and we remind children about following our Core Values if they forget. On outside duty, if someone is on their own, we always do our best to make sure they have a fun filled time.
School Council
We are the school council and we represent the views of all the children in our school.
We are the librarians and we keep the library tidy and organised. We help our class scan their books in and out. We use our library regularly and we encourage others to have a love of reading.