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Fordingbridge Infant and Junior Schools Federation

Believe, Strive, Achieve.

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Fordingbridge Infant School

We want to give our children opportunities to share their views and make decisions about their school. We also want them to have roles and responsibilities within the school where they learn to support and help each other.


School Council

Our School Council aim to make the school, their community and the world a better place! Each class democratically votes for their two School Council representatives, who then have the role for a term. The team meets frequently to discuss projects and ideas; sometimes these are projects that impact just on our school, but can also be projects for our local community or the wider world. All pupils are involved though questionnaires, class discussion and reporting in assemblies. We want the children at Fordingbridge Infant School to know that they can make a difference!


Lunch Helpers

These children support in the lunch hall. They help the younger children to choose their dinners and find their seats. They support by pouring cups of water for the tables and directing children to the right places when it is time to tidy up. Our lunchtime helpers encourage positive conversation and help create a happy environment where the children eat and interact.  


Play Buddies

These children help to support and make playtimes safe and happy. They help the other children with games, organising equipment and being on hand for anyone who needs a friend to play with.

