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Fordingbridge Infant and Junior Schools Federation

Believe, Strive, Achieve.

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At Fordingbridge Infant and Junior Schools Federation, it is our intention to provide a rich curriculum which builds on local first- hand experiences and gives children the confidence to engage with global issues. We survey our local area including rivers, we visit the Jurassic Coast and the New Forest. Geography is important in our school because it provides an opportunity to explore British Values and gain Cultural Capital in real-life contexts.



Geography learning is taught within half-termly topics which allow opportunity for cross-curricular exploration. Each year group has two of these learning units within the year.  Engaging visits which make good use of our local context are key and ignite children’s natural curiosity. Teaching builds upon prior experiences and knowledge to ensure a deeper understanding of the world around us. Children gain confidence through the use of questioning, using increasingly specific vocabulary and begin to notice patterns within enquiry. Geography experiences prepare children for real-life tasks such as; choosing a place to work, deciding on travel destinations and means of transportation, making positive changes to the local environment and collecting and presenting data. Geography is accessible to all learners as it is skills driven with opportunities for speaking, thinking, deciding, looking and questioning.



The curriculum allows for children to make progress as Geographers;

  • They can follow lines of enquiry.
  • They are curious about the World around them and how it might change.
  • They are aware of local and global issues.
  • They have a greater World knowledge.
  • They can read maps at different scales with increasing accuracy.
  • They know that as Geographers they play a role in shaping the World around them.