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Fordingbridge Infant and Junior Schools Federation

Believe, Strive, Achieve.

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I am delighted to welcome you to the website of the Fordingbridge Infant and Junior Schools Federation. Our schools are found on the edge of the New Forest - an enviable and exciting environment within which to come and learn.


At our Federation children thrive in the best of both worlds: two schools, each with their own qualities tailored to the age of the children, but one educational journey, from Years R to 6, where every child is treated as an individual, according to their needs.

The Federation is able to offer the nurturing first school years of an infant environment, smoothly transitioning into their secondary school preparation at Junior School, while simultaneously enjoying the benefits of being the best funded primary offering in the area. This means the schools share unrivalled resources and facilities, including:

  • Single year group classes leading to more focused differentiation;
  • A swimming pool;
  • Expansive playing fields;
  • An IT suite;
  • Well-stocked libraries;
  • Purpose-built outdoor learning areas; and
  • Onsite breakfast and afterschool clubs.


We are committed to the development of the whole child, encouraging them to become confident individuals who believe in their ability and work hard to realise their dreams and aspirations. We always put children first; this aim is at the heart of our vision. Each child is unique and deserves the opportunity to be happy and safe, feel valued and experience success.

As Executive Head Teacher I feel privileged to work alongside a fantastic team of professional, caring and enthusiastic teachers, LSAs and support staff. Our six learning behaviours combined with a well - planned curriculum ensure our children leave with a whole range of skills that they will need later in life. Above all else, we hope their time at Fordingbridge Federation fosters within them a real sense of achievement, enjoyment and appetite for what lies ahead.


I look forward to a happy and rewarding relationship with your family and through a strong, committed partnership between home and school, to ensuring your child achieves their full potential. When the time comes for them to move on we hope that they and your family look back at your time with the Federation with joy and fulfilment.


Whilst looking at our website I feel confident you will also see how fortunate I am to work with the hundreds of amazing children that contribute so much to our community. We are very proud of our schools and would love the opportunity to share our achievements with you. If you are interested in finding out more then please contact the school office to arrange a visit, we would be delighted to meet you.


Mrs Kim Robertson

Executive Headteacher
